What does ClaimMyCatbat do?
ClaimMyCatBat helps users convert their rugged or abandoned tokens into $CATBAT. If you've lost money due to
projects or inactive tokens, ClaimMyCatBat gives you a chance to reclaim some of that value by exchanging these
into $CATBAT.
Is ClaimMyCatbat safe to use?
Yes, ClaimMyCatBat is completely safe!
We never have access to your wallet. Instead, we simply help you interact with your own wallet to exchange your tokens for $CATBAT—with your full permission and control at all times.
How much can I expect to receive?
The amount of $CATBAT you receive depends on how many tokens you choose to convert.
You can expect to receive at least 0.0017 SOL worth of $CATBAT for each token account you close.
How does ClaimMyCatbat work?
ClaimMyCatBat helps you recover value from abandoned or rugged token accounts.
When you close these accounts, you retrieve the rent locked inside them and convert it into $CATBAT.
It’s an easy way to clean up your wallet while earning something in return!
Where can I reach customer-support?
Need help? We're here for you!
Reach out to us anytime on our Telegram or send us an email at info@catbat.meme.